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Coal continues to surge upward in Asia

June 7th, 2010

Asia Coal Prices surge upward in China and India.

Thermal coal prices are expected to increase into the second half of this year due to  strong demand from Asian economies and a possible resurgence in Europe’s needs as well.

China and India will continue to lead Asian demand, with analysts anticipating a substantial increase in the amount being brought into both countries, along with its Asian neighbors coal  usage is steadily increasing.

Global coal prices will continue to be linked to Chinese demand. China could import as much as 170 million tonnes in 2010. If demand picks up in other regions, it will put pressure on the China’s supply chain.

India, the world’s fastest growing coal importer will also be placing huge demands on the supply chains.

India Coal Imports May Rise to 100 Million Tons on Power Demand

May 24th, 2010

It is projected that India may import close to 100 million metric tons of coal this year to meet growing demand for the fuel from power plants. “The total tonnage of coal imported for the year ending March 31, 2011, “should be around 100 million,” this is not an official projection of India’s government but a public estimate.

The construction of new power plants and an expansion of India’s steel-making industry could triple coal imports from their 2007 level by 2030, according to U.S. Energy Information Administration .

Power generation is what is driving the demand for Coal. There are new coal-fired power plants  660 megawatts to 4,000 megawatts opening daily.

Coal Combustion is in India’s future.

CC-88 Coal Combustion Catalyst offers India an inexpensive clean coal technology that also improves helps save precious coal resources.

Coal Prices across Asia on the rise.

May 18th, 2010

Rising demand from China and India is driving thermal coal prices higher and higher with the spot market for sub-bituminous coal of 5500 KcKg selling for more than $112 in China.

Commodity experts predict global prices to remain strong and go up further this summer.

In 2009, China’s coal imports more than doubled to 130 million tonnes from the previous year. China has also closed its smaller and more dangerous mines. coupled with a huge drought which has severely hampered hydroelectric power. All culminating into increased demand from coal power sector.

Cost of Coal In Asia

May 16th, 2010

Asia Coal Catalyst Company is pleased to announce the addition of our new blog.

The Cost of Coal In Asia is on the rise.